Our final team in the 75 Acts campaign has wrapped up a busy month providing many acts of Service & Good Work for friends, family, coworkers and the community. The team was made up of 18 participants, all from the Memphis facilities group, and they showed up and showed out throughout the month of August.

Early on in the month, a group spent a Saturday afternoon picking up trash from Richard & Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Park. As part of a green initiative, Team members Carolina Hurtado and Grettio Rivas in the Structural department organized and implemented a detailed volunteer schedule for recycling pickup in the Memphis office. They made sure to donate aluminum cans specifically at the Humane Society of Memphis for the Cans for Pets program, where the funds raised through recycling these beverage cans help feed the dogs and cats sheltered at the Humane Society.

Midway through the month, several members brought pizza to a local fire station, and team captain Yousef Saleh gifted everyone in the Memphis office some homemade olive oil soap. He was even gracious enough to teach a quick soapmaking class for anyone interested in replicating the recipe!
Members of Team August ran and walked in the Forest Spence 5K at Shelby Farms. This race benefitted the Forest Spence Fund, which assists with the non-medical needs of critically or chronically ill children and their families throughout the Mid-South.

Team August spent a Friday volunteering at the Hunger No More City-Wide Feeding Day hosted by the Mid-South Food Bank. This involved handing out food, toiletries and other necessities to nearly 5,000 families in what turned out to be the largest food giveaway ever performed by the Mid-South Food Bank.

The team also collected school supply donations throughout the month for first-graders at Snowden Elementary, volunteered at a community garden at Shelby Farms, and set up a mobile blood drive to come to the Memphis office so that everyone in our building would have the chance to donate.
Team August made a wonderful effort to accomplish as many acts of service as they could during their month. We are proud of them and happy that they were the final team to go in our 6-month campaign. They truly embodied the spirit of what the 75 Acts challenge was all about.
Team Captain Yousef Saleh says this about the 75 Acts challenge: “I saw great value in the 75 years anniversary celebrations. There was so much interaction between the different employees inside the office and outside. We got to know each other even more...and we have been nicer too!”
Pickering’s 75th Anniversary celebration continues next month, when we all get together in Memphis. We’ll be celebrating the accomplishments of our company over the past 75 years as well as the Service & Good Work our staff has performed this year during out 75 Act of Service and Good Work Campaign.
2021 is Pickering's 75th year as a company. In order to celebrate, Pickering is holding an inter-office contest called 75 Acts of Service & Good Work. This contest divides the entire company into 6 teams, with each team getting 1 month to try and accomplish as many acts of Service & Good Work as possible from a pre-determined list of 75 Acts. At the end of the 6-month campaign, whichever team has the most points wins. This contest provides a wonderful opportunity to work together to promote an important aspect of our culture!